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Recipes filter by Whey Protein Powder

Raspberry Chocolate Smoothie

Raspberry Chocolate Smoothie

  Ingredients: ½ banana 1 handful spinach ½ cup raspberries 1 scoop of MPMD whey protein 1 tablespoon almond or cashew nut butter 2 tablespoons raw cocoa powder 10 oz...
Kalethy Purple Smoothie

Kalethy Purple Smoothie

 PREP TIME: 10 min SERVES: 1 servings INGREDIENTS  1 scoop MyProgressMD vanilla whey protein powder 2 cup deveined kale leaves ½ cup frozen blueberries 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed  1 tablespoon...

Hormone Balance Smoothie

PREP TIME: 10 min SERVES: 1 servings INGREDIENTS  1 scoop MyProgressMD vanilla whey protein powder 1 cup deveined kale leaves ¾ cup pineapple  5 almonds  2 tablespoon unsweetened full fat...

Green Morning Smoothie

PREP TIME: 10 min SERVES: 1 servings INGREDIENTS  1 scoop MyProgressMD vanilla whey protein powder 1 cup spinach or kale 1/2 cup parsley 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 cup ice...
GOLDEN IMMUNE BOOSTER, you can drink it iced or warm!

Golden Inmune Booster

TOTAL TIME: 10 min SERVES: 1 serving INGREDIENTS  1 scoop MyProgressMD vanilla whey protein powder 10 oz. unsweetened milk substitute (almond, coconut, ripple, hemp, flaxseed) 1 tablespoon MCT oil ½ ...

Protein Matcha-Horchata

TOTAL TIME: 10 min SERVES: 1 serving INGREDIENTS  1 scoop MyProgressMD vanilla whey protein powder ½  cinnamon stick  2 teaspoon organic pure matcha powder  10 oz unsweetened oat milk substitute ...